In terms of health, is the effect of regular alcohol for weeks, months and years that does the most damage.
What is your poison of choice? What is the safe limit? What am I doing damage to my liver and what else can go wrong by drinking too much over the years?
Cocktails, beer, wine, spirits, cider or beer - not really matter, is the amount of alcohol he does. The alcohol will have an impact on all cell types in the body, making changes in some while preventing other run correctly. As with most of the "poisons" the more you consume, the greater the effects of alcohol will have.
So is there a safe limit? Medical experts say that all there is no absolute limit "safe" for alcohol. Consuming even small amounts is potentially dangerous to your health. However, generally agreed that the use of smaller quantities implies less risk - if you are sensitive.
What about your liver health? Our livers produce a single substance that breaks what we drink alcohol and burn as fuel. However alcohol rapidly depletes livers ability to do and do it too much and too often can damage the liver permanently. If the liver is given enough time can be repaired most of the damage. This is why it is important to drink in moderation and have days when you do not drink at all, and not drink too much at a time.
So what else can go wrong by drinking for a long time? The list is huge! Researchers around the world are discovering new things about the effects of alcohol all the time. Here's a little *.
Cancer - second only to tobacco use, alcohol is one of the biggest factors in cancer development risk of mouth and throat. Drinking alcohol while smoking the greatest risk of all. Cirrhosis of the liver is common in people who drink too much and these people may develop liver cancer. Women who drink more than three glasses a day significantly increase their risk of developing breast cancer.
There is growing evidence to suggest that their is a link between alcohol problems and mental health. The long-term drinkers are also at risk of memory loss problems.
Too much alcohol can lead to weight gain, the less likely to exercise quality and can also cause heart disease.
A study of 20 years more than 6,000 men found that people who drank more than five units per day were twice as likely to die from a stroke. Stroke occurs when a blood clot in the arteries of the brain or blood vessels break and leak into the brain. More than eight units (six women) in a session thicken the blood and increase the chances of blood clots. Do this for long periods of time can also increase blood pressure which in turn increases the chances of a stroke.
3 ways to reverse the negative effects of alcohol
1. Drink less. For each unit of alcohol consumed enough time for the liver to deal with that. Try to alternate between an alcoholic drink and refreshments. And try to stick to less than 5 units in a single session.
2. Start a healthy diet. Green vegetables, complex carbohydrates and lean protein sources ensure the body has all the basic elements needed to repair damage to your body and maintain optimal health.
3. Take a super-AFA-based supplement. AFA contains essential fatty acids omega-3 (this is where the fish get their omega-3) that your brain is screaming. AFA is a powerful antioxidant and, in particular, supporting the natural renewal system of organs - adult stem cells. AFA NASA used to repair damage to the brain G forces astronauts since the first mission to the Moon. You can help reverse the damage caused by consumption and also to maintain optimal health.