Long-term effects of alcohol on the body

When we or our body, we often forget that there are thousands of parts that work together just for us through each day. Since we can to our brain, and back to our feet, each piece works in unison with others to make our everyday health. Recently, there have been studies to show long-term effects of alcohol on the body as a whole, and in particular more body parts are made. The results are quite shocking.

When individuals themselves facing alcoholism, witnesses or others around them, they immediately think of the consequences that can see and touch. It is very rare alcoholic think beyond every day, so, overall health of your body. Here are some of the upper body and health which are carried out in the long term, alcohol abuse.

The best-known side effect is liver and intestines of an individual. Most people joke that when someone drinks too much, "you'll have to get a new liver!" Unfortunately, the effects on the liver and intestines are fierce; and liver transplant may be the only answer. The effects such as liver disease, inflammation of the pancreas, internal bleeding and often can not be seen before symptoms are severe.

The visual effect that alcohol has on the body is the skin. A yellowish color begins to appear in an individual who abuse alcohol. This connects to the above effect, since it is the first sign that the liver of a person is damaged in any way. This problem is a pigment called jaundice.

Another long-term visual effects of alcoholism is an area of ​​inflamed mouth. Thick saliva when alcohol is used, this is caused by inflammation occurs due to infection and blockages in the salivary glands.
The central point for all the things that operate in the body - the heart - is largely carried out by prolonged use of alcohol. It was shown that the heart is greatly weakened by alcohol abuse.

When the heart is weak, there is a big chance for the formation of blood clots, abnormal heartbeats and the possibility of a heart attack. As the heart not affect the rest of the body directly related to blood circulation and overall energy, there are a number of other symptoms may occur overtime because of this weakness created in the heart.

Alcoholism is a serious problem that affects many people in the world today. It is always in the best interest of the family and friends for an alcoholic touch a drug rehab center and alcohol to get answers to questions, and assistance. It is never too late to help a friend or family member to change his life, with respect to alcohol or any other substance.

In the short and long-term alcohol