In the short and long-term alcohol

Alcohol disrupts the functioning of the brain metabolism and natural system very quickly after the beverage is consumed. Before reaching the brain, the alcohol is absorbed by the blood vessels in the stomach wall and the small intestine. Within minutes, the alcohol from the stomach travels to the brain and affects the nerves. The quantity of alcohol consumed, up to 20% is treated in the stomach and the rest is absorbed by the small intestine.

In the short and long-term alcohol

As we have all been informed, the liver must metabolize alcohol and eliminates toxic substances in the blood. However, the liver can not process a certain amount of alcohol, one by one; untreated liquor flows freely in the blood. Their effects in the body depends largely on the amount of alcohol consumed and metabolized. Alcohol consumption may also affect the respiratory system. In some cases, the blood can not absorb oxygen and the brain does not work at all. It can lead to coma or death.
The long-term effects of alcohol are very dangerous, such as brain damage and permanent liver dysfunction. Added to poor diet, alcohol can affect the overall health. Most likely, the visible symptoms are emotional difficulties as depression and a bad relationship. Possibly long-term effects of alcohol may be:

  • Memory loss, hallucinations, brain injury, confusion
  • Muscle loss and weakness
  • Liver cancer, mouth and throat
  • High irregular heartbeat, blood pressure
  • Stomach ulcers, inflammation of the stomach lining
  • Inflammation of the pancreas
  • Damaged sperm, reducing the testicles, impotence
  • Gynecological problems

As long as everyone has different metabolic systems in terms of speed and the daily diet, alcohol does what he does in different ways too. alcohol concentration in the blood (BAC) is the most useful for deciding what alcohol can do to a certain drinker guide.

Anyway, the liquor should not be long before any kind of effect occurs in the body. In just five minutes from the alcohol starts to produce chemical reactions in the brain. A standard amount of alcohol will lead LAC be in their highest state after 30 to 45 minutes. When multiple quantities are consumed over time, LAC will more quickly than expected by the blood and body. Human metabolism system can completely decompose a standard amount of alcohol in an hour. End of alcohol affects the body results depend largely on:

  • Health
  • Quantity of alcohol consumed
  • Type of liquor
  • body chemistry
  • Subsistence
  • Age
  • drinking experience
  • Mental / psychological and state.

To avoid the effects or alcohol in the short or long term, just follow the guidelines provided the Medical Research Council and National Health. The guidelines help to reduce the percentage of risk factors in the short and long term effects. Here are some of the most important rules in the guidelines:

On any given day, men and women can not drink more than a fixed amount of alcohol to reduce the risk factor related to alcohol or permanent damage to the body to the effects from Long-term alcohol disease.
On each occasion, men or women should not take more than four standard amounts of alcohol to reduce the risk of injury that short-term effects associated with alcohol.

The effects of alcohol