That baby is the temporary home will live in nine months before birth? The uterus is the best and most welcoming and safe environment for the unborn baby?
A couple of decades, many doctors who have children were surprised that some babies are born deformed, had growth retardation in general, a small brain and a particular face. It did not take long to link this to the fact that mothers consumed alcohol during pregnancy. The problem was named the fetal alcohol syndrome.
Although we now know about fetal alcohol syndrome, which is a very common that pregnant women who drink during pregnancy. What we know to date about alcohol and pregnancy is limited.
The medical community recognizes that fetal alcohol syndrome is caused by alcohol consumption of the mother regularly or in large quantities during pregnancy. The exact amount of alcohol that causes harm to the fetus never be precisely determined because it varies depending on the weight of the mother, pregnancy, speed and percentage of alcohol consumption and many other factors.
As we know that fetal alcohol syndrome causes permanent damage, severe and irreversible for the unborn baby, the best approach is to consume alcohol during pregnancy. Fetal alcohol syndrome is a hereditary disease and only caused by alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Therefore, even if a woman feels struggled with alcohol for a long period of time in her life, if she does not drink alcohol during pregnancy, your baby will not be affected.
The medical community also agreed that alcohol consumption by the father can not cause fetal alcohol syndrome. On the other hand, it is well known that if the father regularly drinks alcohol, the mother-to-be will be more tempted to drink alcohol also.
Many babies born to mothers who drink present withdrawal symptoms after birth. These symptoms such as tremors, feeding difficulties, and increased irritability are symptoms.
Taking care of our unborn child begins by taking care of our pregnant women and society. These simple things like giving a pregnant woman a nonalcoholic healthy juices and refreshing glass of pure water could be the first step towards a stronger future generation.