Alcohol affects the brain similar to other chemicals and addictive behaviors. Dopamine increases the pleasure center of the brain and this produces a significant euphoria. Liquor rush or euphoria known is not the same feeling that others experience when drinking. GABA, a natural calming of the body, is another important neurotransmitter that is affected by alcohol. Alcohol increases the action of GABA in the brain. It also changes the level of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin affects mood, sleep, appetite, and other physiologic functions. Intoxicating effects of alcohol are well known to everyone. But the molecular details of the impact of alcohol on brain activity remain a mystery. A new study by researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies brings us closer to understanding how alcohol alters the way brain cells work (1).
The chemistry of ethanol is relevant to understanding the neurobiology of alcohol dependence (2). The alcohol is soluble in water and, therefore, distributed throughout the body. Some people are alcoholics "waiting to happen." In other words, all it takes is that first drink. This is not an uncommon story, especially when there is a strong family history of alcoholism. How much time is needed to develop depends on the individual. The diagnosis of alcoholism can be put in simple terms. If alcohol causes problems in a person's life and continue to drink, are probably an alcoholic.
Alcoholics can develop a high tolerance to alcohol. While everyone is familiar with the classic signs and symptoms, chronic alcoholic may show signs or symptoms of alcoholism. Chronic alcoholics can be very high functioning. In other words, his blood alcohol could be 2-3 times the limit and still show no signs or symptoms of being "under the influence".
Detox and withdrawal from alcohol can be fatal. Alcohol is a depressant and removal is the exact opposite. Convulsions, tachycardia, hallucinations, insomnia and extreme agitation can occur with severe alcoholics. Many drinkers are not even aware mild withdrawal symptoms just because they have another drink. When the disease is completely burned, the alcoholic does not drink because he wants to drink ... he drinks because he drinks. Cravings come and go for any alcoholic. These desires are often "triggers" of the environment. Triggers can be subtle and relate to people, places or things. Anyone who wants to stay clean and sober should be aware of your triggers and avoid them.
Adverse side effects of alcohol abuse / alcoholism abound. This solvent affects all body cells. The most common physical problems include dementia, heart disease, liver disease, pancreatitis, malnutrition, stroke, cancer and alcoholic neuropathy, to name a few. Alcoholism also has the potential for serious psychological problems - from depression to suicide. It can destroy families, marriages, relationships and careers.
Alcohol is particularly harmful to the fetus. The effects of fetal alcohol and fetal alcohol syndrome are well known consequences of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. It is probably best for pregnant women not to drink at all during pregnancy.
The legal consequences are unlimited. DWI is probably one of the most famous crimes. This offense carries incredible costs to the criminal and penal system. Alcohol is responsible for most of the accusations of domestic violence and other crimes too numerous to mention here. Although alcohol used to detect in urine up to 24 hours, no further urine test that can detect the presence of alcohol in the urine for up to five days.
Current treatment of alcoholism varies from inpatient to outpatient detox home. The type of treatment depends on the resources and patient motivation. people addicted to alcohol typically require some kind of medical supervision during detoxification and abstinence. There are new alternative medical treatments and herbal supplements to help detox, withdrawal and cravings alcohol abuse or alcoholism. These alternative therapies offer an affordable, professional care in the privacy of your home.
Cognitive and behavioral therapies are important in recovery from alcoholism or alcohol abuse. Relapses are common with alcoholics. Combining using the 12 steps of AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) meetings and to natural herbal supplements, non-addictive tackle alcohol cravings works well. Treatment with herbal supplements for anxiety should continue for at least two years.