Drug and alcohol women

Women and alcohol is a major problem in many parts of the world. Many people assume that alcoholics and alcohol addicts are mostly men. But according to a survey, an estimated 5.3 million American women are heavy drinkers and are in danger of seriously ill effects of excessive alcohol consumption. Here are some other facts that people should consider.

Women are more likely to die from alcohol abuse, because they are generally smaller in body structure. They also have less body water to dilute the influence of alcohol in the system and thus the long-term alcohol exposure may have adverse effects on your health. Some of the diseases that can result from drinking too much alcohol are: liver cirrhosis, heart disease, cancer and liver inflammation.

Only four drinks per day or at least eight glasses a week for a woman to fall prey to alcoholism and alcohol abuse takes. Common symptoms of alcohol dependence include the inability to stop drinking, a constant desire for alcohol and high alcohol tolerance. Physical dependence may be deducted when the person is suffering from withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, sweating and anxiety.
Another dangerous result of alcohol dependence in women is fetal alcohol syndrome. Pregnant women also put their unborn child at risk of physical, mental and development when drinking. They endanger not only their own lives but others may put lives in danger as well.

Alcohol abuse and alcoholism are diseases that must be addressed not only for women but also for men. If you know someone who needs help to deal with their alcohol problem, ask your local hospital or doctor for advice or tips on what you can do to help.

Alcoholism Facts