It all starts with a shot of unpleasant and strong liquid. A few minutes later the liquid is flowing through your system more attractive. Although it always ends up in the morning with a throbbing headache that makes you want to crush the head of a small ball, which passes between said rarely includes rape, accident, impaired driving, road rage and fights , riots, murders, etc. Many mistakes and disasters begin with the loss of control over fluid intake. Many other antisocial phenomena is also surprisingly associated with alcohol.
Alcohol affects your body immediately. Usually, after a few drinks, good judgment is lost. Too much alcohol and vomiting are early events welcome a new drinker. Over time, the weight gain induced by alcohol is easy to identify signs of "affect of alcohol." Then there are the unfortunate regular drinkers or alcoholics who face serious problems in life because they simply can not see a way out of their addiction to drink large amounts of alcohol all the time.
The trend in the present, global, cultural, social enterprises circuits supports the sale of large quantities of alcohol. courses liquor manufacturers are doing their best to further push this key DJs of concerts at parties where you can enjoy your entire arsenal of alcohol in the Board go lucky happy. It's sad considering the fact that there are many other alternatives for parties and meetings involving more rewarding than of alcohol. But the "New World Order" that we breathe to push the bottle with vengeance every Friday binge parties worldwide, merging all consumers around the world in a deplorable mixture of alcohol used.
All vital organs such as blood, brain, heart, kidneys, liver, etc. all are damaged by alcohol abuse. There are endless stories of low-income families are completely decomposed by alcoholism. This is a very powerful and pleasant drink, but dangerous and should be treated with caution.
Like all powerful substances that some people more than others costumes. A lucky few are able to manage their drinking too much. Most can not. Global alcohol-related deaths statistics are too large and impressive to put here. Why not do independent research and look at the appalling statistics. Governments make too much money from alcohol beer rich in species and therefore does not prohibit despite strict prohibitions placing 100 times less harmful and 200 times cheaper ... "intoxicating."
Anything in excess is bad and who is more faithful to the spirit again. So if you prefer something more down and enjoy what little or drowned in the endless whirl of the bottle. Be a responsible drinker, as they say hypocritically, those alcohol ads, since it is a matter of life and death more often than we might have feared above.