The dangerous effects of alcohol

The dangerous effects of alcoholism are numerous and potentially fatal, not to mention destructive to alcoholics work, family, goals and relationships in general. The physical side effects of alcoholism are:

The dangerous effects of alcohol

Effect of alcohol on the brain

Alcohol acts as a depressant on the brain, which affects more strongly the area that governs inhibitions and stop. In many cases the alcoholic seeks precisely this: the release of anxiety, shyness, rigidity of thought, and the feeling of euphoria that accompanied the release of the emotional restrictions.
Temporary loss of judgment and inhibitions to explain why some people are "drunk Happy" while others are angry and hostile. Drunk happy seem to agree with everyone because it loses its ability to accurately judge others. Everyone becomes his friend, and he is the soul of the party You also lose their inhibitions. - which in normal life as Restricted and cause social anxiety.

Angry Drunken also lose their inhibitions, which when sober limit you to express your emotions, especially anger. His loss of inhibition results from the loss of control of anger and personal control.

So, while many studies have been conducted to try to develop a working model of the alcoholic personality, it was not possible to do so due to different personality types become alcoholics for a variety of reasons. It is true however that alcoholism does the same physiological damage to the brain of the individual, the nervous system and the liver, regardless of their personality and behavior.

Despite the initial euphoria experienced by the drinker, consume more alcohol leads to depression. Circulation and respiratory system are depressed, so a heavy drinking can lead to stupor, coma and even death.

As the brain suffers attacks of alcoholism, does the nervous system.

Effect of alcohol on the nervous system

One of the visible effects of alcoholism is the loss of balance and muscle coordination. As drinkers consume alcohol more and more, his speech is pasty, his movements become clumsy, and they lose their balance. This is not due to the direct effect of alcohol on the muscles but the direct effect on the brain and its impulses to the peripheral nervous system.

Effect of alcohol in the liver

The liver is responsible for many vital functions in the body and suffers greatly from the effects of alcoholism. An important function of the liver is to destroy and remove toxic substances from the bloodstream and send them to other agencies for disposal. Under stress, the liver can not properly perform this function, which causes toxemia, the impaired immune function, infection, skin diseases, kidney disease, circulation problems, tumors, and a host while disorders.

Over 90% of the alcohol consumed by the body must be removed by the oxidation process which takes place in the liver. Oxidation of the alcohol decomposition into carbon dioxide and water (CO2 and H2O). The speed at which the liver can perform this function is the same regardless of the amount of alcohol consumed by the person. Thus, the more alcohol is consumed, the work is more back liver because it can oxidize more quickly to meet increased demand.

For example, if your sanitation men can be collected two bags of garbage per week, but continually put two bags of garbage every day, then you get a huge accumulation of garbage in front of your home! And men can still Sanit choose only two bags. It's the same with the liver can not process ... at the same speed, regardless of the application process more alcohol.

Drunkenness prolonged put the liver under constant and severe pressure and that's why many alcoholics develop a practice known liver disease cirrhosis name in many liver cells are actually dead or not working. As the disease progresses alcohol, the liver is less equipped to deal with stress. The inability of the liver to detoxify other substances in the body becomes too compromised. It is a vicious cycle of consumption increasingly toxic substances that can not be prosecuted or excreted. When the liver can not effectively deal with these toxic substances secreted get fat nodes and lymph in the body, leading to cysts, tumors and tumors, and that accumulate over time.

In addition, prolonged alcoholism can cause weight gain because the body can not cope with the excessive sugars consumed with alcohol, can not excrete toxic waste.
The liver can not oxidize alcoholic average half an ounce of whiskey or six to twelve ounces of beer every hour. If you drink three to eight onces glasses of beer and three shots of whiskey in one hour, who have already given their oxidation liver three hours to perform for you to process and remove the byproducts of alcohol.

From this formula, we can calculate that for every drink that takes your body should have an hour to process before driving. If you go to a party or bar and have three drinks, wait for three hours until you can drive home safely. Better yet, always have a designated driver responsible at home.

Effects of alcohol on the skin

The skin is actually an organ of elimination that weighs about 13 pounds on the average person. Only a small portion of alcohol is sweating through the skin - the liver has an important weight in alcohol detoxification.

However, the skin suffering from the effects of alcoholism in many ways:

Alcohol consumption causes a sudden flushing effect of the face and skin, making it red think. The presence of "gin buttons" on the nose and face alcoholics is nothing but the sudden damage over small capillary dilatation of the skin, which eventually break. The initial draft caused a sensation of heat, so many people in cold climates lead to drinking. However, repeated blood flow to the small capillaries of the skin takes its toll over time.
Alcohol robs the skin and the body of much needed moisture. Premature aging may be related to the absence of such moisture in the body tissues. Translation: an age of faster chronic drinker, more rapidly develop gray hair, and develop wrinkles and skin folds faster. For this reason, many alcoholics are much older than their chronological age. The lack of adequate moisture to the skin can also cause discoloration of the skin, pale or grayish tint to the skin.

Everything can reverse the harmful effects of alcoholism? Depends on the length and severity of the disease. Centers offer abuse recovery program for alcoholics substances involving emotional and spiritual counseling and alcohol detoxification. On the physical level, can be a variety of treatment programs, many of which can be done in the privacy of your house. alcohol detox can be accomplished through nutritional supplementation, detox diet plans, detox baths and absorbs, and the use of other detox products. Fortunately, there are a variety of options of how we can try to compensate for the deadly effects of alcoholism. But the car is often not enough, once the addiction took hold. The best course of therapy is to find a rehabilitation center that provides medical assistance for crisis intervention. So support detoxification cleaning can become a regular part of the recovering alcoholic health plan.

Alcohol and health effects of alcohol on the body