Alcohol and health effects of alcohol on the body

Alcohol and health effects of alcohol on the body can be long term or short term. Alcohol consumption and health-related problems can occur for a short period of time, while other conditions and long-term effects of alcohol on the body can only occur after years of alcohol abuse.

Alcohol and health effects of alcohol on the body

The alcohol is in direct contact with the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach and intestines, as well as being absorbed into the bloodstream. Health problems can begin as headaches, feeling of nausea, sore throat or indigestion. However, if alcohol abuse continues, these and other symptoms of alcohol and health can become more serious diseases and illnesses.

These are examples of health effects in the short term alcohol in the body:

or nausea, vomiting, dizziness, Hangovers - excessive drinking can cause the body tries to protect itself by eliminating alcohol and vomiting. Alcohol and Health and the central nervous system are linked because alcohol affects the sense of balance and orientation of a person, leading to a feeling of nausea and / or dizziness. Hangovers are partly due to the dehydration of the body caused by the consumption of alcohol and hangover effects of alcohol on the body can feel a few hours after drinking alcohol.

or loss of muscle control - slurred speech is one of the effects of alcohol on the body. Impaired judgment and poor coordination are the effects of alcohol and health which can lead to falls and accidents.

or adverse drug interactions - Alcohol is known to adversely interact with at least 100 drugs. For example, antihistamines taken with alcohol may increase drowsiness this medication by itself can cause. High doses of painkiller acetaminophen taken together when consuming alcohol increases the risk of liver damage.

or risk of pregnancy - alcohol can cause many birth defects, fetal alcohol syndrome is more severe. Babies born with fetal alcohol syndrome have physical abnormalities, mental retardation and behavioral problems. To avoid the effects of alcohol and negative health during pregnancy, do not drink alcohol during pregnancy, since no one knows exactly how much alcohol causes birth defects.
Due to the effects of alcohol and health can involve many organs in the body, excessive consumption of long-term alcohol puts you at risk of developing problems and serious illness to health. These are examples of long-term effects of alcohol on the body:

o inflammation of the liver and cirrhosis of the liver - liver inflammation symptoms include abnormal yellowing of the skin, eyes and urine, fever and abdominal pain. And in the case of cirrhosis, as many as one in five heavy drinkers develop liver cirrhosis. Alcohol is especially harmful to the liver because the liver is needed to metabolize alcohol. Alcohol destroyed liver cells, and destroys the liver's ability to regenerate new cells.

o cancer - long-term drinkers increases the risk of certain cancers, including oral cancer, throat and esophagus and colon.

o heart disease - the abuse of long-term alcohol increases the risk of developing high blood pressure and heart disease of a person.

o Pancreaitis - Excessive alcohol consumption can cause long-term in the development of inflammation of the pancreas called pancreaitis. Digesting food pancreas are necessary and symptoms pancreaitis include severe abdominal pain and weight loss. Pancreaitis can be fatal.

The effects of alcohol and additional negative long-term health in the body include damage to brain damage, nerve, bleeding in the esophagus, erectile dysfunction in men, insomnia and depression. For more information on the stages of alcoholism and warning signs, resources available that can help not shown. It is never too late to start alcohol addiction recovery.

Effects of alcohol abuse