The effects of fetal alcohol syndrome

The mothers of children born with devastating effects, often Fetal alcohol or SAF not have to be regular drinkers or alcoholics so that this condition for the development of the syndrome. There are some windows during a pregnancy where the fetus is more susceptible to damage - especially during the first trimester. This means that fetal alcohol syndrome may develop if a woman has a few drinking occasions during this period. And although there is no evidence to suggest this distinction, some scientists and biologists suspect that FAS could develop in response to a single event to drink, if it occurs during a critical period of fetal development. Therefore, it is never safe to drink during pregnancy and mothers who might be hurting your child - for life.

The symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome are varied but different from the condition - especially when physical deformities are concerned. Babies born with FAS have a small head circumference, small eyes and thin lips. There may be joint deformities area like elbows, knees, heel and wrist, etc. The child may have vision of hearing loss and poor coordination. While many of these conditions are clearly at birth or soon after, some may not appear for years. This is especially true of children born with mental retardation, learning disabilities and developmental delays as a result of complications from fetal alcohol syndrome.

Some of the symptoms of FAS may occur later in life and not be recognized for what they are, the causal point of view. This can include something as seemingly benign as a lack of coordination, or something as deadly as heart defects. In addition, FAS can cause a child has abnormal patterns of behavior later in life. This often takes the form of ADD, ADHD, poor impulse control, severe anxiety, social anxiety and even panic attacks.

Alcohol is considered a teratogen; a substance that prevents or limits the growth or even fully human. This has implications not only for the growth of the fetus, but also for the development of young women. This can be in the form of deferred development issues including social, school and work, which can make it very difficult to care for a baby adaptation. And because the most striking characteristic of FAS is a major facial deformity, this condition is quite evident when present, which leads to more social and anxiety for the mother and the child initially more questions Later that are integrated peer groups and communities. These facial features are very small eyes, around a thin upper lip, overturned, nose, stunted growth, and other characteristics indicative of the state. In some cases, the features fade as the child grows, but many of them remain for life.

Due to the sensitive period of pregnancy and fetal development, it is never acceptable to drink during pregnancy. The old social stigma that children born with FAS must logically strong alcoholic mothers is disappearing, thanks to a better education for this condition and how it develops. If you or someone you love is pregnant and struggling with a problem with alcohol or drugs, then two lives depend on what is done below.

Day disorders caused by fetal alcohol awareness