Since the brain is exposed more radically limits are exceeded brain repair. Delicate and connections eventually the nerves themselves are damaged by toxic liquid. Whether alcohol is in the form of wine, beer or spirits. It is still alcohol.
Unfortunately, while alcohol is having its effect on brain function drinker usually do not care. The short-term damage is generally not worse than wicked hangover. Because the brain has such incredible excess capacity for functional recovery of damages may go unnoticed.
Basal function
Another problem with the diagnosis of alcohol brain injury is the problem of base line. Normally, a person will be late in the process, once you have significant loss of mental function. How things were going bad before you start your drinking? This is an excellent question, but very difficult to answer without proof before he starts drinking.
In addition, a head injury against falls, car accidents, sports can damage the brain. Is not uncommon, alcohol is a head injury factor as well. It can be difficult to solve the problem, even with the best information and history available.
As for anxiety, alcohol is excellent for relieving that nervous feeling when taken in small doses. There are many why it is so dangerous. A unit dose of the alcohol (12 oz of beer, 5 ounces of wine or 1.5 ounces of spirits) operates reliably as a mild sedative, then problems begin. Thanks to the quick action of alcohol (ethanol) in the function of the mind that the drinker can easily grow to trust him.
Avoidance is not the answer
Instead of dealing with the situation in hand, ask for help and work through the problem, the drinker a drink. More this happens, the most likely continue to do so. Subtly and gradually created a habit. Finally, a dependency may result. Then the trap was sprung.
Smoking contributes greatly to the injury caused by alcohol. Injury to blood vessels, with the increased demand for blood flow caused by alcohol combine to damage the brain more. MRI studies confirm the worst cases of brain lesions in people who drink and smoke.
The only way to really measure the long-term effects of alcohol on the brain is a trained professional, such as a neurologist. The good news is that most people have a dramatic return of function if you just stop doing evil. The return of the function can be slow, but the effects are often clear with time.